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Choose a typeface color

от | ян. 2, 2021 | 0 коментари

The final stop on your colorful journey is to nail down a typeface color. You might go for the easy choice and choose black, but have a browse around the internet, and you’ll find that purely black typefaces aren’t as common as you’d think.

A black typeface on a white background can lead to eye strain, as there’s a 100% contrast – and people will be more likely to click away if your website is difficult to read.

While explicitly colored typefaces should be reserved for links and important bits of information, you can use gray or gray-tinted color to give your website a softer, more inviting look. There isn’t a ton of room for experimentation, but it can be worth coloring your text for that finishing touch.

Penguin Font

A quick look at this page on Penguin Books’ website shows that they’ve elected for a softer grey tone for their text. This is a lot less aggressive than a stark black and white contrast, and allows for a softer vibe.

About Momchil Marinov

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